Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy:

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified directly or, in particular, via an identifier such as name, identification number, location data, network identifier or via one or more specific physiological, genetic, mental, cultural or social.

The administrator's contact details are:

Telephone: +393287341456
Address: Via Trento 48 - 64011 Alba Adriatica (TE), Italy
The administrator of personal data according to Art. 4 point 7 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter: "GDPR") is Tiziano Di Natale - Via Trento 48 - 64011 Alba Adriatica (TE) - Italy, VAT number IT  02113940676

Our privacy policy is very simple: none of the personal information that is part of your order will be shared with third parties. Your email address, name, home address, what you purchase or any other information collected during your visit to will not be passed on to other organizations of any kind. Registration in our customer database follows the same rules as mentioned above and is provided only for your convenience to speed up the ordering process if you order frequently.

We at respect your privacy. We use the information collected about you only to process orders and to provide a personalized shopping experience.

What information do we collect?

When you register as a Customer, we need your name, email address and postal address. This information allows us to process your orders and contact you if necessary

We will disclose this Information ?

No! Never! Your private information is too valuable to share with anyone. The information collected on this site is NEVER available to third party vendors and is NEVER sold to mailing list distributors.

Email Notifications

When you become a customer of, you will receive an email automated receipt containing Log In details. When you purchase products from us, you will receive an automated receipt via email. You will then receive further email notifications when your order is being processed and again when your order has been shipped, giving you complete peace of mind. We email you personally only if we need to clarify details about your order or if we are responding to your questions or requests.

Email Communications and Newsletters

We occasionally send email newsletters to our customers. Our newsletters contain information about new product releases, special promotions, product updates, discounts and unique offers. You have the option to unsubscribe at any time by accessing your Customer Area and selecting your Newsletter preferences or by visiting the Unsubscribe page.

Use of Cookies, Security and Secure Purchases

This site web uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do NOT contain any of your private information; they only serve to store items in your Shopping Cart or to recognize you as a Customer of when you log in or access the members-only sections. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing your private information.